Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words. 1. What did Mandela think for oppressor and oppressed? 2. Describe the effect of the policy of apartheid on the people of South Africa. 3. Did Hari like working for Anil? Give reasons in support of your answer. 4. State the events that took place on the night of the theft. 5. Had Anil really forgiven Hari Singh? Support your answer with evidence. 6. What are the twin obligations Nelson Mandela talks about in his speech?
1.The oppressed and the oppressoralike are robbed of their humanity. 'Nelson Mandela said this as according to him an oppressor is a prisoner of hatred, who is locked befhind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness. And an oppressed is robbed of humanity by putting him in prison and ill-treating him.
2. answer is in the ATTACHMENT.
3.Yes hari liked working for anil. As said in the story by hari that it was quite pleasant working for anil. He said so because at the time of buying the days supplies he used to make a profit of about a rupee everyday. Also working for anil made him to learn to write whole sentences and to add numbers.
4. answer is in the ATTACHMENT.
5.Yes, Anil had forgiven Hari Singh. It is evident because Anilhanded over to Hari a fifty rupee note as soon as Hari woke up. Though he knew that Hari had robbed the money at first but his subsequent actions gave him hope of change in Hari'scharacter.
6.After realizing this, he leads the path of Hunger For Freedom. The twin obligations that Mandela speaks is theobligations to his parents, his wife and children, his family; and otherobligation is towards his country, hispeople and his community