English, asked by ngvarsh8anthu, 1 year ago

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each : (a) Justify the title 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'.
(b) Why does the woman reject the mirror and turn towards the candles and the moon?
(c) How much money did Mrs. Packletide pay to the villagers ? Why ?
(d) Why according to Dhumaketu was the post-office a sacred place for Ali ?


Answered by ikrakhadim

(a) The two boys behaved in a gentleman way in the story. They were kind and caring towards their sister and very polite towards all others. They never wanted to exploit other's pity or kindness to achieve their end. War did not spoil their gentle nature. Hence, the title Two Gentlemen of Verona' is justified.                                                                                                     

(b)  She is unable to accept the reality that the mirror shows her that she is ageing and isn't pretty any more. The candle and the moon don't show her the harsh reality that she has lost her youth and beauty.                              

(c)  Jealous of Loona Bimberton, Mrs. Packletide decided to hunt a tiger and send a tiger-claw brooch on Loona Bimberton's birthday. Since she was not a good hunter, she wanted the hunting to go without any risk So, she paid one thousand rupees to the villagers to make arrangements for tiger hunt like finding an old tiger and to not let it run away from that place.   

(d)  Ali had been a clever 'Shikari' in his youth. When his only daughter, Miriam, married and went away, he realised the pain of separation and understood the loneliness and grief. It had been five years and he was anxious to receive a letter - news of well being from his daughter. So, he would visit the post-office daily, as a ritual in the hope of receiving a letter from Miriam.

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