English, asked by disha1402, 8 months ago

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each

a. What did the author often dream of?
b. What happened to George’s slipper?
c. How did a tomato squash? How did they pick up the tomato?
d. Who was Montmorency and what was his ambition?
e. Where did George eventually sleep?
f. What were the three friends doing? ​


Answered by shirshaPradhan

Packing is one of the chapters taken from Beehive. It is well explained through Packing Introduction, Message, Theme of Packing, Title, Packing Characters, Summary in English, Summary in Hindi of Packing, Packing Word meanings, Complete lesson in Hindi Packing, Extracts of Packing, Long answers, Short answers, Packing Very short Answers, MCQs of Packing and much more

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