Biology, asked by kirtiloui, 2 months ago

Answer the following questions
in brief.
a. What type of adaptations do the plants
growing in deserts show?
b. What is adaptation? Mention the
adaptations of fish to live in aquatic
c. Explain the adaptations for flight in
d. Explain the adaptations shown by
animals living in mountains.
e. Mention the different types of aquatic
plants with examples.​


Answered by nandini1818
a. The plants growing in deserts have their leaves modified into spines, to prevent loss of water by transpiration.
b. Adaptation is the physical or behavioural characteristic of an organism that helps an organism to survive better in the surrounding environment.
Fish have gills that allow them to breathe oxygen in water.
c. Birds have follow bones, making them light and easier to fly.
d. Animals living in the mountains have developed thick coats of fur that protect them from the cold as they travel higher in elevation.
e. Floating plants - water Lilly, lotus
Submerged plants - Water lettuce, Scared lotus
Emergent plants - Cyprus, papyrus
Algae plants - pond scum, seaweed.
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