English, asked by pratikkumar4, 7 months ago

Answer the following questions in detail.
1. What is wastewater? Explain its two chief sources.
2.How mining and leakage from sewer lines affect the water?
3. Why do we need an effective drainage system?
4. What is the use of sedimentation tank while treating water?
5. Discuss two of the alternative methods for sewage disposal.
6. Explain the preventive measures of water pollution
7. Why chlorine is added to the swimming pools?
8. Government has banned the use of plastic bags in some states. Why?
9. How a faulty sewer line increases the risk of major water-borne diseases?
10. If we improve the aeration process in secondary treatment would it speed-up thereaction?​


Answered by joannsam


7th one is to kill germs the 2nd one it pollutes the water

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