Answer the following Questions.
Name the mathematical operations which can be performed using LOGO commands.
The basic operators in logo are as follows:
(+) : addition; adds two values
(-) : subtraction; subtracts two values
(*) : multiplication; multiplies two values
(/) : division; divides two values
Not only these, there are some other operators also:
sqrt : it geneartes the square root of the number.
power : it generates the power of first value to second value
in : it gives out the natural algorithm
exp : it takes one number and gives e to that power. e is 2.718281828
log 10 : it gives out the logarithm with the base 10
the first attachment shows basic operators and second shows the other ones.
Logo is a very good tool for the children to create drawings and learn so much about angles. Thses arithmetic operations are very useful