Physics, asked by christina507, 2 months ago

answer the following questions1. Convert 41 °C to °F.

2. Mention the qualities of a good thermometer.

3. What are the advantages of using mercury as a thermometric fluid.

4. Give any four applications of good and bad conductors.

5. Draw labelled diagram of a thermos flask and explain how the transfer of heat is minimised in it.

6. What are compressions and rarefactions? ​


Answered by dejaasridejaasri


1.(41°C × 9/5) + 32 = 105.8°F

2.Accuracy: A point of specifically 212 degrees within hot boiling water and 32 degrees in ice water is known as perfect. -Features / Characteristics: Aspects for example the length of the stalk, battery saving selections, cleaning options, battery standby and specific readings are ranked as good thermometers

3.It expands uniformly when heated.

It has low specific heat capacity.

I has a high boiling point (357 °C) and a low freezing point (-39 °C).

It is a good conductor of heat.

It does not stick to the walls of the glass tube.

4.Cooking utensils are made from good conductors of heat. ...

The handles of kettles and utensils are made of bad conductors of heat such as wood, plastic, ebonite, etc. ...

Woolen clothes are bad conductors. ...

Building materials like brick, asbestos, mud, grass, etc., are bad conductors of heat.

6.Compression and Rarefaction. • Compression- a region in a longitudinal (sound) wave where the particles are closest together. • Rarefaction- a region in a longitudinal (sound) wave where the particles are furthest apart.

Answered by prabhas24480



Fahrenheit is a temperature scale used for describing temperatures in Fahrenheit degrees (°F).

It is most commonly used in the United States in weather forecasts and to describe temperatures inside houses, offices, etc.

I asked a few people and the conversion formula is the first thing that comes to mind - and how hard it is to remember. So here's one easire way to do it: use 2 instead of 9/5 and 0.5 instead of 5/9 and 30 instead of 32 in the conversion formula. The result won't be accurate but it does provide an approximate number that's "good enough" in everyday situationsSo the formula becomes: F = (C x 2) + 30

For example: (25C x 2) + 30 = 80F. The accurate answer is 77F but if you don't have a calculator handy and can't multiply and divide using fractions then this formula will give you a good idea that you can use in everyday situations.

The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales coincide at -40°.

Another simple conversion method from C to F is to double the celsius, subtract 10%, add 32. For example: 100C = 2x100=200,200-20=180,add 32=212F.

2) -Display: Thermometers are graded according to their visibility to find out and read numbers.

-Working Time: In the event of boiling water, a temp of 212 degrees in 10 to twenty sec were ranked as excellent, a rate of twenty or thirty sec as fair and over 30 sec were expressed as poor thermometers.

- Accuracy: A point of specifically 212 degrees within hot boiling water and 32 degrees in ice water is known as perfect.

-Features / Characteristics: Aspects for example the length of the stalk, battery saving selections, cleaning options, battery standby and specific readings are ranked as good thermometers.

-Range: Thermometers that investigate the intrinsic temperature of animal meat, chicken or breads, named the fast read thermometers are usually graded high.

3) Advantages of mercury as a thermometric liquid. -It is a good conductor of heat and therefore the whole liquid reaches the temperature of the surroundings quickly. -It does not wet (cling to the sides of) the tube. -It expands uniformly (linear expansion) and responds quickly to temperature changes, hence is sensitive.


4) 1. Cooking utensils are made from good conductors of heat. Such utensils get heated up quickly. Food can be cooked efficiently in shorter time. The utensils are generally made of copper, brass, steel, aluminium etc.

2. The handles of kettles and utensils are made of bad conductors of heat such as wood, plastic, ebonite, etc. They help in holding them comfortably.

3. Woolen clothes are bad conductors. Woolen clothes are not actually warm. They do not allow heat to conduct away or to escape out and thus keep our body warm.

4. Building materials like brick, asbestos, mud, grass, etc., are bad conductors of heat. They do not permit heat and cold to pass through the walls of bricks. They keep the houses warm in winter and cool in summer. Roof sheds are made of asbestos for the same reason.

5. Hair and the fur of animals are bad conductors of heat. They protect them from cold.



The thermos flask consists of a double-walled glass vessel resting on a cork inside a metal or plastic case. The outer surface of its inner wall and the inner surface of its outer wall are silvered. This prevents heat transfer due to radiation. The space between the two walls is almost vacuum and the walls are sealed at the top. The double-walled glass vessel and vacuum prevents heat loss by conduction. The insulating stopper or cork at the top minimizes heat loss by convection.

Refer the attachment friend ↗️↗️

6) Compression and Rarefaction. • Compression- a region in a longitudinal (sound) wave where the particles are closest together. • Rarefaction- a region in a longitudinal (sound) wave where the particles are furthest apart.

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