answer the given question by careful observing the pyramid

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Max. Energy = bottom block
Min. energy = top block
b) Only 1-2% of the solar energy reaching the earth is absorbed by the plants.
c) Direction of flow of energy is from bottom towards the top.
In context to the ecological pyramid of energy we can tell that the bottom-most block in the pyramid has the maximum energy and the top-most block in the pyramid has the minimum energy.
Only 1-2% of the solar energy reaching the earth is absorbed by the plants.
They are also called autotrophs since they prepare their food by themselves and do not consume upon other living things.
- Direction of flow of energy is from bottom towards the top.
At the bottom we find autotrophs like plants, above that we have primary consumers which consume plants, above them lie the secondary consumers that consume the primary consumers, next comes the tertiary consumers which are usually scavengers and feed upon dead animals.
TOPIC: ecological pyramid
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