Answer the match the column in the attachment
Multiple choice questions :-
1. Odisha was hit by a strong cyclone in the year
(a) 1993
(b) 1995
(c) 1997
(d) 1999
2. Air expands on
(a) heating
(b) cooling
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
3. The instrument we use to measure direction of wind is
(a) Wind vane
(b) Anemometer
(c) Thermometer
(d) Barometer
4. The unit knot is used to express
(a) wind direction
(b) wind speed
(c) wind type
(d) None of these
5. Cyclones are associated with
(a) strong winds
(b) continuous rain
(c) storm surges
(d) All of these
6. The calm area in the centre of a cyclone is called
(a) Nose
(b) Eye
(c) Mouth
(d) None of these
7. We do not feel the air pressure on us because
(a) it is very less
(b) it is present only below the ground
(c) pressure inside our body is equal to the atmospheric pressure
(d) None of these

Multiple choice questions :-
(1) Odisha was hit by a strong cyclone in the year
(a) 1993
(b) 1995
(c) 1997
(d) 1999 ✓
Reason : Orrisa was hit by a strong cyclone with the wind speed of 200 km/h on 18 October 1999.
(2) Air expands on
(a) heating ✓
(b) cooling
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Reason : Warm air expands and cold air contracts.
(3) The instrument we use to measure direction of wind is
(a) Wind vane
(b) Anemometer ✓
(c) Thermometer
(d) Barometer
Reason : The instrument we use to measure direction of wind is Anemometer.
(4) The unit knot is used to express
(a) wind direction
(b) wind speed ✓
(c) wind type
(d) None of these
Reason : The unit knot is used to express Wind Speed.
(5) Cyclones are associated with
(a) strong winds
(b) continuous rain
(c) storm surges
(d) All of these ✓
Reason : Cyclones are associated with strong winds, continuous rains and strom surge.
(6) The calm area in the centre of a cyclone is called
(a) Nose
(b) Eye ✓
(c) Mouth
(d) None of these
Reason : Nose and Mouth are not associated with cyclone. The calm area in the centre of a cyclone is called Eye.
(7) We do not feel the air pressure on us because
(a) it is very less
(b) it is present only below the ground
(c) pressure inside our body is equal to the atmospheric pressure ✓
(d) None of these
Reason : We do not feel the air pressure on us because the pressure inside our body is equal to the atmospheric pressure.
Match the following :
- Column A :
(1) Anemometer
(2) Mercury Barometer
(3) Temperature difference
(4) Multiple vortex
(5) Cloud Burst
- Column B :
(a) Convection current
(b) Tornado
(c) Cumulonimbus cloud
(d) Wind speed
(e) Air pressure
Answer :
(1) - (d)
(2) - (e)
(3) - (a)
(4) - (b)
(5) - (c)
answer maat report kar I'd delete karwani hai kya