English, asked by lion85, 9 months ago

Answer the question in brief (30 words).

a)where did Mohandas complete his primary education?

Choose the correct option from the bracket.

a) Mohandas karamchand Gandhi was a/ an ___________ student.

b) As a boy , Mohandas used to be very __________ and avoid all
company. ( timid , fearful , outspoken) .

c) The teacher tried to ___________ him with the point of his boot.
( suggest,force,instruct).

d) Young Mohandas _______________ any reading beyond his school
books. (disliked, liked , hated )

e) He read Shravana Pitribhakti with __________ interest .
(great,least,little) .

plz urgent​


Answered by GAssitant


a)Gandhi was born in Porbandar in 1869 and received primary education in the city. He was not a bright student and used to learn by writing with his finger in the dust.

a)  intelligent

b)  timid

c)  suggest

d)   liked

e)   great

Answered by ssr786vani

Answer: a) intelligent


c) suggest


e) great


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