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egg-larva- pupa-moth
egg: A female silk moth lays a number of eggs on mulberry leaves.
caterpillar: The eggs hatch into tiny larvae called caterpillars or silkworms. caterpillars are voracious eaters. they eat mulberry leaves very quickly and grow in size.
when a caterpillar is fully grown it stops eating. it first weaves and net to hold itself. then it swings its head from side to side, in the form of figure eight (8). during this movements of the head the caterpillar secretes a substance made up of protein from its a salivary gland . this proteinous substance are hardens on coming in contact with air and becomes silk fibre. soon, the caterpillar completely covers itself in silk fibre. this covering is known as cuccon. silk fibre is obtained from this cuccon.
pupa: inside the cocoon the caterpillar changes into a pupa that slowly changes into an adult moth.
adult: when fully grown the adult moth cuts the cocoon and comes out.
I hope this is helpful
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