Answer the question using the following facts:
In a kingdom there are three kinds of people: Vikrams, Vetals, and Aams. The Vikrams always tells truth, the Vetals
always tells lies, and the Aams sometimes lies and sometimes tell truth.
We are given three people: A, B, C. One of them is a Vikram, one of them is Vetal and one of them is Aam (not
necessarily in this order). They make the following statements:
A said: I am Aam.
B said: What A said is true.
C said: I am not Aam.
What are A, B and C?
(a) Aam, Vikram, Vetal
(b) Aam, Vetal, Vikram
(c) Vikram, Vetal, Aam
(d) Vetal, Aam, Vikram
Answered by
vetal, Aam, Vikram
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