answer The questions from the picture

exercise 2
1.) continuously
2.) frequently
3.) eagerly
5.) early
6.) everywhere
7.) heartily
Exercise 1
1.) hard
2.) already
3.) justly
4.) well
5.) why
6.) when
7.) very
8.) why
- 1. She worked hard/hardly to succeed.
➯ She worked hard to succeed.
- ❒ Adverb : Hard
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Manner
- 2. Swapnil has alreàdy/yet finished his work.
➯ Swapnil has already finished his work
- ❒ Adverb : Already
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Time
- 3. The kind treated his people just/justly.
➯ The king treated his people justly.
- ❒ Adverb : Justly
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Manner
- 4. He has done his work well/good.
➯ He has done his work well.
- ❒ Adverb : Well
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Degree
- 5. I don't know why/when he hasn't come.
➯ I don't know why he hasn't come.
- ❒ Adverb : Why
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Interrogative adverb of Reason
- 6. Do you know the time that/when she will come ?
➯ Do you know the time when she will come ?
- ❒ Adverb : When
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Interrogative adverb of Time
- 7. She is a much/very naùghty girl.
➯ She is a very nauģhty girl.
- ❒ Adverb : Very
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Degree
- 8. Do you know why/when he has faìled ?
➯ Do you know why he has faíled ?
- ❒ Adverb : Why
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Interrogative adverb of Reason
- 1. My uncle visited us many times.
➯ My uncle visited us frequently.
- ❒ Adverb : Frequently
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Time
- 2. The rain fell without ceàsing.
➯ The rain fell continuously.
- ❒ Adverb : Continuously
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Manner
- 3. He worked with great eaģerness.
➯ He worked eagerly.
- ❒ Adverb : Eagarly
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Manner
- 4. Mohit arrived at my house before the fixed time.
➯ Mohit arrived at my house early.
- ❒ Adverb : Early
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Time
- 5. I have not been here at anytime earlier.
➯ I have not been here before.
- ❒ Adverb : Before
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Time
- 6. We looked for you at all place.
➯ We looked for you everywhere.
- ❒ Adverb : Everywhere
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Place
- 7. He thanked me with all his heart.
➯ He thańked me with heartily.
- ❒ Adverb : Heartily
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Manner
- 8. Nalini should arrive in a short time.
➯ Nalini should arrive soon.
- ❒ Adverb : Soon
- ❒ Kind of Adverb : Adverb of Time