Answer the three big problems of Psychology:
1. What is knowledge? ...
2. How should we conduct ourselves? ...
3. How should we govern ourselves?
1. facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
2. Try to limit what you're saying to who you're saying it to, ask yourself if you really have to say something before you say it. listen to how loud the people around you are, if people are staring at you or reacting negatively, adjust your behavior.
hope that helps u :)
1) Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
"a thirst for knowledge"
2) So often, we think we have to wait before everything works out before we can act a certain way, before we can be more loving, more generous, more courageous or creative.
Napoleon Hill tells us, “Conduct yourself just as you would if you were ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MATERIAL THING WHICH YOU ARE DEMANDING…”
3) In the distribution of powers between the three-fold departments of the Federal Government, it was the aim of the framers of the Constitution to guard against any infringement on each others' functions on the one hand, and any violation of popular rights by either department, on the other. Hence the Constitution was most carefully worded so as to define the power of each of the several branches of the Government, and clauses of reservation were put in, for the purpose of guarding against usurpation on the part of either, of powers not clearly granted.