answer these 2 questions plzz
8. the agricultural practices that should be a must in a developing country such as ours are, The integration and the execution of the modern technology that reduces the human labour by a huge margin also it reduces the human error as far as the harvesting process is concerned, the agricultural land should be kept off slash and burn cultivation which involves burning the crops after harvesting season because that causes a lot of pollution in the air and in the environment.
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answer 1
- Improved method of farming uses of HYV seeds to increase yeilds.
- A well built system for irrigating large area
- use a chemical fertilization and machanised system of farming by using tractor
answer 2
India is basically 80% population with it's rural area. Indian farming weather dependent and farmers grow only 2-3 crop in years
USA is small number of people involved in farming. the farmers use scientific techques like soil testing