answer these easy fill ups.

Hello mate ✌️..
Man is a social being. He lives in the association of others bearing same likeness. He cannot survive alone. Every human contributes something to this society.
How small it may be. And he also takes help from the society in turn. It’s a mutual process. A type of ‘give and take’ process.
During our lifetime we come across many people who help us. And we also come across many people whom we help. Hence this is how the society has been running and it will keep running this way for years to come.
Thinking of our routine from the morning we come across many people who can be termed as our ‘helpers’. They help us to achieve our goals.
They have at least some contribution in our life, how minimum it may be.
Right in the morning come the milkman. He gives the milk right in our doorsteps. It is an important form of nourishment for the little ones in the family.
Now think of the Municipal Corporation sweeper who comes to collect the garbage at each and every house without fail?
The days he doesn’t come the bins get filled with garbage. Think if the same happens for a number of days? The garbage will start stinking and people will start throwing garbage outside, here and there to discard them.
Although shunned sweepers are an important part of our society.
Then walks in the house maid. She keeps the house clean for us. She gives her own physical labour so that we can stay in healthy environment. Going to school we find the clerk and the peon.
The peon rings the bell after every period allowing us a break from monotonous lecture. Even the teachers form another group of helpers altogether.