History, asked by suryansh20032001, 11 months ago

answer these please fast and quick​



Answered by Anonymous


Ans.04) True

Reason : In the 1956, the majoritarian Sri Lankan government passed an act by which Buddhism was recognised as national language.

Ans.05) Power sharing is desirable for two sets of reason :

a) Prudential - According to it, power sharing accomodates social diversity, hence it reduces the possibility of conflict between social groups. Power sharing ensures political stability and is desirable for the promotion of national unity and integration.

b) Moral - According to this reason, power sharing is desirable to produce an accountable, responsible and legitimate government. Power sharing is the spirit of democracy. It implies maximum participation through decentralisation of powers.

Ans.06) Belgium is a small country of Europe whose neighbors are Luxembourg, Germany, France and the Netherlands. The ethnic composition of Belgium is as follows :

59% of people that live in Flemish region speak Dutch language. Another 40% people that live in Wallonia region speak French language. Remaining 1% of the Belgians speak German language. In the capital city of Brussels, 80% people speak French while 20% are Dutch speaking.

Tensions in ethnic groups in Brussels are :

i.) Economic inequality between two ethnic communities was the main reason of tensions in ethnic groups.

ii.) The issue of majoritarianism and financial preference led to tensions between Dutch and French in Belgium during 1950-1960.

iii.) The capital city of Brussels, the French speaking community was relatively rich and powerful and used to get educational and economic benefits. This was resented by Dutch which led to tensions between two communities of Brussels.

Ans.07) After 4 ammendments in the Constitution between 1970 and 1993 the Belgian leaders worked out a very different and innovative way of power sharing arrangements known as the Belgian Model. The main elements of power sharing in the Belgian Model are :

i.) Dutch and French speaking ministers have been given equal status in the Central government. No single majority can make decision unilaterally.

ii.) Some of the powers were given from the central government to state governments and state governments are not treated as the subordinate to the central government.

iii.) Brussels, the capital city of Belgium, has given equal representation to both the French and Dutch speaking people.

iv.) Belgian model introduced a new concept of government i.e. The community government which has the power regarding cultural, educational and language related issues. This arrangement ensures the promotion and protection of cultural and linguistic diversity.

Ans.08) Sri Lanka has a diverse population. Sri Lanka became independent in 1948 and in 1956 the Sinhalese government passed an majoritarian act.

The major social groups are the Sinhala - speakers (74%) and the Tamil speakers (18%) . Among Tamils there are two sub-groups. Tamil natives of the country are called ' Sri-Lankan Tamils ' (13%) . The rest, whose forefathers came from India as plantation workers during colonial period are called

' Indian Tamils ' (5%). Most of the Sinhala speakers are Buddhist, while most of the Tamils are Hindus or Muslims. There are about 7% Christians in both Tamil and Sinhala group.

Ans.09) Different forms of power in a democracy are :

i.) Horizontal division of power : It is the power sharing arrangement in which power is shared among different organs of rhe government as Legislature, Executives and Judiciary. Different organs of the government exercise different powers placed at the same level. There is a concept of seperation of powers. Horizontal distribution specifies the concept of checks and balances, in order to check the exercise of unlimited powers of the organs. This type of distribution ensures the concept of expansion of democracy.

ii.) Vertical division of powers : In this power sharing arrangement , power is shared among different levels of the government i.e. Union Government, State Government and Local Government. This division of power do not have concept of checks and balances. This system is called Federal system or Federalism or Federal division of powers. Vertical division of power promotes the concept of deepening of democracy

iii.) Power sharing among Community governments : a community government is choosen by those people whol belong to a particular language or religious community. In this government power is shared among different social groups. For example, Belgium. A community government solves issues related to the cultural, educational and language. This government prevents social conflicts among different religious and linguistic communities.

iv.) Power sharing done among social groups like in religious groups.

v.) Power sharing done among political and pressure groups.

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