English, asked by santoshrana7284, 10 months ago

Answer these questions.
1. What lesson does the narrator recall to have learnt from the fable The Ant and the
What did Tom Ramsay do when his money was exhausted?
3. Why was George Ramsay upset?
4. What was Tom's opinion on spending money?
5. Even though Tom was a reckless person, people still liked him. Why?
6. What did Tom finally do to earn a livelihood?
Read these extracts and answer the questions with reference to the context
1. Why dont you chuck him? You've done everything in the world for him. You must
know by now that he's quite hopeless.
a. Who said these words and to whom?


Answered by Anonymous


The message that the narrator recall to have learnt from the fable "The Ant and the grasshopper " is that in this imperfect world industry is rewarded and laziness punished.

Answered by ItzUnic0rns


1. The message that the narrator recall to have learnt from the fable "The Ant and the grasshopper " is that in this imperfect world industry is rewarded and laziness punished.

2. When Tom Ramsay's money was exhausted he started taking it from his friends and relatives as he was the son of a well reputed family no one denied to lent him money. He often blackmailed his elder brother George Ramsay and recieved money from him.

3. George Ramsay was upset due to his upbringing. He had two sisters and a brother who were all addicted to alcohol. His father was an alcoholic, and there was not enough scope for him to live a normal life like all other children.

4. He made a steady income from his friends and he made friends easily. But he always said that the money you spent on necessities was boring.

5. First of all think of a subject on which you have to organize a quiz and then select some of the students and call some students from other schools as well and then go on and conduct the quiz with some rules made by you.

6. While in college, he finally convinced his dad that he could earn a living with his art. Over the summer between semesters he and some friends would work feverishly during the week painting and framing simple pieces to sell at local fairs and festivals on the weekends.

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