Answer these questions:
a.What is the cause and who was to be blamed for the oil spill?
b.Oil spill causes which type of pollution?
c.How does this incident affect a certain job? Which industry got affected a lot?
d.What are the three environmental fates of oil spills in the environment?
a) We can't blame BP for this disaster: the tragic loss of life or the petroleum miasma now spreading across the gulf. ... On April 20th, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded killing 11 and causing what could become a catastrophic oil spill. We can't blame BP because this is how large corporations act.
b) These particulates can penetrate lungs and carry toxic chemicals into the human body. Burning surface oil can also be a source for pollution such as soot particles. During the cleanup and recovery process, it will also generate air pollutants such as nitric oxides and ozone from ships.
c)The coronavirus outbreak has taken an unexpected hit to many industries around the world. Some saw sales go up, others experienced a huge slump. Many non-essential businesses were forced to close.
Water pollution