answer these questions correctly please

1 The ecology of organisms is concerned with the way that individual organisms interact with their environment.
2 Meristematic cells are generally small and cuboidal with large nuclei, small vacuoles, and thin walls.
3 nucles contians genitic material
4 Smooth muscle fibers do not have their myofibrils arranged in strict patterns as in striated muscle,
1. It is dependant upon other biological life and the surrounding physical environment. Living things are part of a food web. Therefore , they rely on other organisms for nutrients. Even plants cannot live in isolation. ...
2. They help in the growth of the root system as well as the shoot system.
3.Nucleus is small bcoz the permanent tissue is already differentiated and taken a fixed shape and size and it is displaced to one side to give space to the other cell organelles.
4. The sarcoplasm is the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber. Most of the sarcoplasm is filled with myofibrils, which are long protein cords composed of myofilaments. ... Thick filaments, composed of protein molecules called myosin. In striations of muscle bands, these are the dark filaments that make up the A band.