English, asked by crownmanas, 3 months ago

Answer these questions.
It's for class 6 and it's a English grammar book.​



Answered by fifimasuku03


A. Is this easy? Does he have a dog? Is she here? Have you finished? Will you be there? Can you sing? Must they wait? Was I right? Could you see? Shall I know soon? Were they unwise? Should she know better? Could you understand? Would he might argue? Would he understand? Had they heard already? Is he a member? Can we come in? Will you finish soon? Aren't i silly? Hasn't he done it yet? Isn't it right? Aren't you going? Won't he agree? Can't they wait? Doesn't he know? Shouldn't she see it? Oughtn't he to say that? Needn't we buy one? Didn't he do it? Wasn't she there? Hadn't they finished? Didn't you have one? Shouldn't he shout? Wouldn't they let us? Couldn't you understand?

B. Didn't that visitor stay long? Did you see what happened? Didn't you hear what he said to me? Didn't that dog give them a fright? Didn't you used to go to the cinema twice a week? Did my brother used to never do his homework in time? I surely don't need to say that again do I? Didn't she used to be friendly? Do you love acting in plays? Didn't you expect to see me? Did the captain of the ship sound angry? Do you want to have another ride?

C. Will you be there? Did they want some more? Am i not sitting in your chair? Did they take long to decide? Didn't she sing very well? Shouldn't he be more careful? Will you let me know when he decides? Do you never go there now? Did she used to drive an old car? Will you be careful not to drop it? It's no use being sorry now isn't it?  Was there no need?


A, B, C are in the correct order as it is on your page.

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