Science, asked by parv1245, 5 months ago

answer this.............​



Answered by vinothiniHY

10)If all seeds of a plant fall on same place: In favorable environmental conditions, they germinate there and become overcrowded. They compete for sunlight and water and fight for their survival and many plants would die. ... Because, in nature same kind of plants grow at different places.

hope this answer will help you

Answered by Anonymous

1) Pollination is process of transfer of pollen grains, from the anther to stigma in flowers.

Pollen grains are transfered, either from anther to stigma of the same flower is called as 'self pollination' or to a flower (of the same species) on a different plant is called as 'cross pollination'.

2) In sexual reproduction the male and female reproductive cells (of the flower), called 'gametes' fuse to form 'zygote'.

Pollen grains germinate when they fall on the stigma of a flower of the same species. A pollen tube is produced that reaches ovule. 'The process of fusion, of the male and female gametes, is called fertilisation'. The zygote divides inside the ovule to form a baby plant called embryo. After fertilization the ovary begins to grow and forms fruit.

3) Seeds can be dispersed in a no. of different ways, depending on the nature of seeds. They may be carried of by wind, water or animals. Some plants disperse seeds by shooting them explosively. The ways of seed dispersal are-

▶️ Dispersal by wind

Seeds, that are very light, get carried to a new place by wind. The seeds of orchids are common examples. The seeds of Madar(aak), have hairy growths which act like parachutes and carry them away. Other examples- drumsticks, maple and seeds of sunflower.

▶️ Dispersal by water

Fruits which float, such as of lotus, water lily and the coconut palm, are carried by water and are dispersed on the other shore after travelling for thousands of kilometers.

▶️ Dispersal by animals

Some plants have juicy fruits that animals like to eat. The animals eats the fruit but only the juicy part gets digested. The seeds pass through teh animal's digestive system; they get deposited (through the animal's droppings) on the land where they form new plants. This land can be far away from where the parent plant was.Cherry and apple seeds are dispersed in this way. Some seeds like those of Xanthium and Urena have spiny seeds with hooks. These seeds attached to the fur of animals and are carried away.

▶️ Dispersal by explosion of fruit

Some plants have pods that explode when ripe and shoot out the seeds. The seeds can, thus, get scattered far away from the parent plant. This process can be seen in plants like blasam and castor. Seeds of bean and pea are formed in pods.

4) You can take reference to the picture given above.

5) This is a type of asexual reproduction in which new plants are produced from the vegetative parts, like root, stem, or the leaves, of the plant.

Different modes of vegetative propagation are-

▶️Vegetative propagation from stem:

Plants like 'potatoes' have swollen ends of the underground stem of the potato plant. They store food in the form of starch. Each potato tuber has 'eye' like structures, called 'buds'. These buds form new plants. Other examples- ginger, turmeric, corm(arbi) etc.

▶️ Vegetative propagation from leaves:

Leaves of bryophyllum have leaf buds in the notches of leaves. These buds develop into tiny plantlets;these can grow into new plants when this plant let's come in contact with moist soil.

▶️ Vegetative propagation from roots:

Some plants like sweet potato and dahliya use rules for a asexual reproduction. Trees such as the poplar, send a new stems from the roots intime and entire grove of trees mey from the original tree.

10) For getting enough light what are the nutrients seeds of the plant shouldn't grow at one place or near the parent plant and hence should be dispersed at different places for getting the favourable conditions. If the seeds will fall and grow at the same place they might not be able to get favourable conditions and grow as a weak plant or might even die.

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