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Punjab is parent state for present day's haryana,HP.
Parent state of AP is Madras state.
Punjab is almost filled with plains. AP is full of plains,hills,plateaus.
International border:
Punjab shares a huge border with Pakistan and embraced the brunt of partition where as A.P doesn't share it's border with any foreign country ,very few scars of partition
Punjab is dominated by Sikhs while AP is 90% Hindu populated state.
Punjab is full of rotis,parathas,naans . In AP predominant cereal is rice and people occasionally eat chapatis.
In Punjab predominant parties are Congress,Akali dal,BJP. Post bifurcation in 2014 ,AP became a beacon of regional parties .FYI Congress,BJP,CPI,.. won zero seats in 2019 State Assembly,Lok Sabha Elections with a vote share of around 1%.
There is a famous saying by sikh guruji “Pehle pangat pache sangat”
AP people follows it quite oppositely. At least a percentage of people fast daily based on their belief in gods, for which a day of a week is dedicated respectively.
Caste system:
I am not much aware of Punjab but in AP caste system is very deep rooted.
People of Punjab loves Canada ,People of AP loves USA.
Punjab people speaks Punjabi, Hindi. In AP people speaks Telugu and Hindi is hardly speaken.Most of them can understand English better than Hindi.
Punjab is better connected through roadways,railways than AP. In AP all the major coastal towns,cities are majorly connected by Kolkata-Chennai NH.
In pic : River godavari,krishna delta regions(Richest,well connected region of Andhra)
In Punjab all areas are equally developed. But in AP coastal areas are very rich,developed .In AP, Development of any region is inversely proportional to distance from coastal line.
Punjab produces wheat, sugarcane,paddy etc..AP produces Chillies,Turmeric,Banana,Mango,Paddy,Cotton,Maize,Groundnut etc.AP is no. 1 in India in eggs,inland fish,shrimp production.