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Women’s participation in India’s, freedom struggle began over a century before country became independent at the time when conservative traditions and social customs had derived them their rightful place in the society. Among earlier women fighters to raise banner of revolt were Lakshmi Bai, Rani Jhansi, Rani of Ramgarh , Rani of Taci and Begum Hazart of Lucknow..After attaining independence in 1947 , India had huge task of social reconstruction, economic development and political awakening to be able to ensure justice and equality to all its citizens. The framers of Indian constitution , which amongst others, had prominent women like Sarojini Naidu, Hansa Mehta, Durgabai, Renuka Ray and Malti chowdhry as its members.The participation of women in Indian freedom struggle are landmarks in the history
Women in ancient India occupied a dignified place. They participated in outdoor life as circumstances and situations demanded and there were hardly any prescribed positions exclusively earmarked for men. All the high avenues of learning were open to women who excelled in learning and their hymns were included in vedas. Women continued enjoying the same position more or less until Musliminvasions took place from. North West A slow and steady decline in the position of women had begun.With coming of invaders this process accelerated and decline was marked . The political instability, consequent migration of population and economic depression extending over period of about three centuries affected the women adversely..The year 1976 witnessed passing of Bill for equal remuneration to men and women for same type of work. Another progressive step was taken by amending the factories act which made it obligatory on employer to provide creeches for children of working in factories. At about the same time maternity benefit was extended to those women who hitherto were not covered under the act of 1958. The laws relating to dowry, rape and violence against women were amended to make them more stringent to ensure that culprit is punished. For instance, in case of violence against women, the criminal law amendment act of 1983 recognised for the first time domestic violence inflicted by husband or any of his relations and such a violence became an offence under the act. Prevention of Sati or widow burning was passed in 1987 which was preceded by amendments to Dowry act of 1961 in 1984 and 1986. The offence has been made cognisable and non bailable. It also provided for Dowry Probhition officers at state level. The other progressive amendments related to abortion, marriage, divorce, right to children and right to property. It appears that women had to ask for , agitate, demand and advocate legal remarks to reduce and or eliminate the hardships inflicted on them. It has also to be understood that there is still a need for “ stringent laws”, sensitive judiciary and effective enforcement. The Indian women has come long ways in making progress both in education, holding Govt and private job.
Women in ancient India occupied a dignified place. They participated in outdoor life as circumstances and situations demanded and there were hardly any prescribed positions exclusively earmarked for men. All the high avenues of learning were open to women who excelled in learning and their hymns were included in vedas. Women continued enjoying the same position more or less until Musliminvasions took place from. North West A slow and steady decline in the position of women had begun.With coming of invaders this process accelerated and decline was marked . The political instability, consequent migration of population and economic depression extending over period of about three centuries affected the women adversely..The year 1976 witnessed passing of Bill for equal remuneration to men and women for same type of work. Another progressive step was taken by amending the factories act which made it obligatory on employer to provide creeches for children of working in factories. At about the same time maternity benefit was extended to those women who hitherto were not covered under the act of 1958. The laws relating to dowry, rape and violence against women were amended to make them more stringent to ensure that culprit is punished. For instance, in case of violence against women, the criminal law amendment act of 1983 recognised for the first time domestic violence inflicted by husband or any of his relations and such a violence became an offence under the act. Prevention of Sati or widow burning was passed in 1987 which was preceded by amendments to Dowry act of 1961 in 1984 and 1986. The offence has been made cognisable and non bailable. It also provided for Dowry Probhition officers at state level. The other progressive amendments related to abortion, marriage, divorce, right to children and right to property. It appears that women had to ask for , agitate, demand and advocate legal remarks to reduce and or eliminate the hardships inflicted on them. It has also to be understood that there is still a need for “ stringent laws”, sensitive judiciary and effective enforcement. The Indian women has come long ways in making progress both in education, holding Govt and private job.
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