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Today Exam

Heya ,
Ques ↪ Bee sting : Formic acid : : Brown Ants : !?
Ans ↪ Bee sting : Formic acid : : Brown Ants : Methanoic acid .
Chemical Formula to represent methanoic acid is ʜᴄᴏᴏʜ .
As acids are harmful so to get relief we must apply soap on our skin after ants bites .
We get relief because basis and acids reacts together and neturalise making you feel good . ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Ques ↪ What is brine solution !?
Ans ↪ Brine solution is composed of of sodium chloride & water . Basically brine solution refers to the high concentration of salts in ʜ₂ᴏ . After the brine process two new chrmicals are formed which is sodium hydrooxide and hydrogen .
Ques ↪ What is the colour of anhydros copper sulphate !?
Ans ↪ Anhydros copper sulphate ᴄᴜsᴏ₄ is colourless . It doesnt have any colour . It is because anhydros copper sulphate doesnt have any water to undergo the process of crystilisation hence it remains white .