answer this pls.. shiys sks s s
answer is option
C) During it's motion from O to A and back to O.
question says that distance should be maximum and displacement should me minimum.
for option A) From O to A and back to B.
distance from O to A = 60km
for A to B (as it comes back after reaching A to point B)
distance from A to B = 25km.
total distance travelled = 60+25 = 85km.
Displacement is the direct distance between the starting and end point. It doesn't care about how you took the to reach that end point i.e irrespective of the path covered.
so if we look direct start and end point distance then ,
---> O to B is = 35km.
distance = 85km
displacement = 35km.
similarly for option B) from O to A and back to C.
Distance from O to A = 60km
Distance from A to C = 35km
Total distance travelled = 95km
Displacement ( O to C ) = 25km
Distance = 95km
Displacement = 25km
option C) from O to A and back to O.
Distance from O to A = 60km
Distance from A to O = 60km
Total distance travelled = 120km
Displacement (O to O) = 0km
since start and end is same so if we overall there is no displacement done .
Distance = 120km
Displacement = 0km
option D) from O to A
Distance from O to A = 60km
Total distance travelled = 60km
Displacement ( O to A ) = 60km
Distance = 60km
Displacement = 60km
so if we compare all the options Distance and Displacement we will found that,
option C) from O to A and back to O
has maximum distance i.e 120km
and minimum displacement i.e 0km.
Thank you.