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so there was no quick reaction in our body like . reflex is absent
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1) how fibre in your food useful to you?
--》Dietary fibre is found in cereals, fruits and vegetables. Fibre is made up of the indigestible parts or compounds of plants, which pass relatively unchanged through our stomach and intestines. Fibre is mainly a carbohydrate. The main role of fibre is to keep the digestive system healthy.
2) write any two similarities between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
--》The similarity between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is that both break down the food to release carbon dioxide and energy. Food is broken down in the presence of oxygen. The end products are water, carbon dioxide and energy. The end products are alcohol, carbon dioxide and energy.
3)what happen if blood platelets are absent in blood?
--》The effect of the platelet response is to stop the bleeding and to form the site of the developing blood clot, or thrombus. If platelets are absent, this important defense reaction cannot occur, and protracted bleeding from small wounds (prolonged bleeding time) results.
4) write four slogan about organ donation ?
--》1.“Support Organ Donation Across Our Great Nation.”
2.“Recycle Organs, Not Just Coke Cans.”
3.“Organ Donors Make Better Livers.”
4.“Organ Donation: Life Goes On.”
5.“Don’t take your organs to heaven with you. Heaven knows we need them here.”
6.“If You Don’T Make It To The Finish Line, Donate Your Organs.”
7.Donate organs, Be blessed.
8. Be healthy, so that your organs can work for someone after u depart from world.
answer the following question
1) what happens if all function of human body is controlled only by brain?
1) Our body functions are mostly controlled by brain except reflex actions and involuntary actions,
2) If reflex actions are also controlled by brain, it takes more time to complete the action.
3) It causes danger to our body. We can’t escape from sudden accidents.
4) Number of involuntary actions take place in our body.
5) If all these functions are shifted to brain, it feels burden and its performance is decreased.
6) So it’s not good that all functions are controlled by brain.
2) write difference between auricle and ventricle ?
--》Ventricle refers to the lower chambers of the heart. The main difference between auricle and ventricle is thatauricle aids the collection of blood into the heart whereas ventricle pumps blood to the corresponding parts of the body with a high pressure.
3) carbohydrate are not digested in our stomach. give reason?
--》When carbohydrates reach the stomach no further chemical breakdown occurs because the amylase enzyme does not function in the acidic conditions of the stomach.
4)what are accessory excretory organ in man?
--》In addition to the urinary system, the skin, lungs and liver of vertebrates are accessory excretory organs. (1) Skin: Human skin possesses glands for secreting two fluids on its surface, namely sweat from the sweat glands and sebum from sebaceous glands.
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