answer this question

hi girl! which question you are saying? in which class you are?
1. The train stopped at the station.
2. Maria is extremely intelligent.
3. Ananya is my sister's name.
4. Children are playing together.
5. We must obey our elders.
6. Einstien was a great scientist.
7. Sneha is reading a book.
8. I like to eat chocolate.
1. A
2. I
3. Q
4. E
5. I
6. N
7. E
8. E
9. A
10. E
1. We will not leave tomorrow but today.
2. Rajan is not woken up.
3. She does not have an ugly dress.
4. Do not open the window.
5. We should not sit idol.
1. By whom will she be rewarded ?
2. What has she baked for you ?
3. How are the questions ?
4. How is Anamika writing ?
5. What type of weather is it today ?
1. Alas, he has lost his father!
2. Please give me a glass of water.
3. Which is your favorite game ?
4. Sanya is skipping the rope.
5. How melodiously she sings!