answer this question

Write short note of the following
(a) Prince Siddhartha's protected life.
→ Refer in the image
(b) The ‘four signs’ that Prince Siddhartha beheld.
→ During his late twenties, Siddhartha is said to have encountered "four signs" which altered his life forever. These signs were: an old man, a sick man, a corpse, and a monk or a yogin (i.e. yoga or yogin refer to a man who pursues and/or teaches various religious practices).
(c) The message in the vision.
→ The message in the vision was that one must not take to extremes. One must Follow middle path. Taking to extremes like making to body suffer intensely is not way to enlightenment and truth.
(d) Sujata's offering
→ The village of Bakraur near Bodh Gaya is believed to be her home. The Sujata Stupa was dedicated to her there in the 2nd century BCE.

4.The village of Bakraur near Bodh Gaya is believed to be her home. The Sujata Stupa was dedicated to her there in the 2nd century BCE
hope it helps dear
thank you