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Psychology is the science of mind and behavior. Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feelings and thought.
How did American war of Independence added more debt to France?How did American war of Independence add more debt to France? Answer: The French army supported thirteen colonies of America in their war of independence against Great Britain. It added more than one billion livres (unit of currency in France) that had risen to more than two billion livres with interest.Louis XVI of Bourbon family, ascended the throne of France in 1774Which ruler came into power in1774shock or greatly surprise.
"her bluntness astounded him"Louis XVI of Bourbon family, ascended the throne of France in 1774Which ruler came into power in1774How did American war of Independence add more debt to France? Answer: The French army supported thirteen colonies of America in their war of independence against Great Britain. It added more than one billion livres (unit of currency in France) that had risen to more than two billion livres with interest.How did American war of Independence added more debt to France?How did American war of Independence added more debt to France?Louis XVI of Bourbon family, ascended the throne of France in 1774Which ruler came into power in1774Louis XVI of Bourbon family, ascended the throne of France in 1774shock or greatly surprise.
"her bluntness astounded him"Louis XVI of Bourbon family, ascended the throne of France in 1774