Answer this question and the best one will be marked brainliest.
1.If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest of them all?
2.Would you rather own a horse the size of a cat or a cat the size of a horse?
3.Are there birds in Canada?
4.Should I tell my parents I'm adopted?
5.What happens if you paint your teeth white with nail polish?
1.Cats would be the rudest. They are self-centered, irritable, and mean (but also adorable and fluffy).
2.They're the sizes that they are, and there is no such thing as a horse the size of a cat or a cat the size of a mouse.
3.No National Canadian Bird
It is unusual that Canada has no national bird, and there was a movement to offici adopt a Canadian national bird in 2017, the country's sesquicentennial (150th anniversary). ... Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) - 3,616 votes. Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) - 3,324.
4.There isn't a right time to tell your child that they are adopted but its best to tell them as early as possible. ... For some children being told that they are adopted may be confusing. They may ask questions about their birth parents like where and who their birth parents are and why they gave them away.
5.It is not permanent & does not alter the tooth in any way, only the color. It will not harm teeth with strong tooth enamel or permanent dental work.
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