answer this question fast both the parts please

see my previous answer ......
difference between respiration and breathing
Respiration. |Breathing
1) the mechanism by which organisms obtain oxygen from the air and release carbon dioxide is called breathing whereas respiration is a more Complex process. respiration includes breathing as well as the oxidation of food in the cells of the organism to release of energy.
2) breathing is a physical process where is respiration also includes biochemical process of oxidation of food.
3) the process of breathing involves the lungs of the organism whereas the process of respiration also involves the mitochondria in the cell swear food is oxidised to release energy.
Difference between saprophytic nutrition and parasitic nutrition
1) saprophytic nutrition is that nutrition in which an organism obtain its food from the decaying organic matter of dead plants ,daed animals and rotten bread etc.
where as
the parasitic nutrition is that nutrition in which an organism derives its food from the body of another living organism without killing it.
2) the organisms having saprophytic mode of nutrition are called saprophytes,
where as
the organism which obtain the food is called a parasite and the organism from whose body food is obtained is called the host.
3)saprophytes and the organism which obtain their food from that plants and decaying animal bodies and other taking organic matter like rotten bread,
where as
a parasitism organisms which feeds on another living organism called its host.
saprophytes: mushrooms
parasites: roundworms
hope it helps
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