answer this questionqs

1=Another very important function of chromosomes is to protect the genetic material (DNA) from being damaged during cell division. Chromosomes are coated with histones and other proteins which protect it from both chemical (e.g., enzymes) and physical forces.
2=Both mitochondria and plasmids have some of their own DNA for protein synthesis hence they are called as semi autonomous cell organelles. The difference between plastid and mitochondria is that plastid are found in plant cells and mitochondria are found in both plant and animal.
3=Lysosomes are the organelles which eliminate the old worn out cells.They are small bag-like structures spread in the cytoplasm.They have digestive enzymes filled inside by which they diges the old or worn out organelles of the cell.Lysosomes are also known as suiside bags
4=The two important types of Plastids are as follows:
On the basis of presence of pigments, the plastids are of two types: (i) the chromoplasts (chromatophores) having pigment, and (ii) the leucoplasts which are colourless plastids.
5=Nucleus is the central organelle of the cell which encloses the DNA. Apart from the nucleus, there are few other organelles which have their own DNA. Mitochondria, power house of the cell has its own DNA. Chloroplasts of the plant cells possess their own DNA
6=Division of labour exists even at intracellular level and this is evidenced by the fact that cells have different organelles within them that perform different functions. Explanation: The cell is defined as the basic unit of life.
7=a=The undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes are also known as NUCLEOID which means similar to nucleus. It is present as there is no nuclear membrane covering in the nuclear region.It is an irregularly shaped region within prokaryotic cells that contains all or most of the genetic material, called genophore eg.
b=Mitochondria is the site where the energy release inside the cell. Explanation: The energy released in the formation of the ATP. The function of the mitochondria is to do the cellular respiration of the cells.
hyy mate
above answer is right
make me brainliest.