Hindi, asked by ItzAwesomeGirl, 6 months ago

Answer this questions guys urgent fast ​



Answered by Vatsal8989


1) Types of ponds for fish culture Fish farm requires different types of pond for the various developmental stages of fish growth. They are:

1. Breeding pond: Healthy and sexually mature male and female fishes are collected and introduced in this pond for breeding. The eggs released by the female are fertilized by the sperm and fertilized eggs float in water as frothy mass.

2. Hatchling pits: The fertilized eggs are transferred to hatching pits for hatching. Two types of hatching pits are hatcheries and hatching hapas.

3. Nursery ponds: The hatchlings are transferred from hatching pits after 2 to 7 days. The hatchlings grow into fry and are cultured in these ponds for about 60 days with proper feeding till they reach 2 -2.5 cm in length.

4. Rearing ponds: Rearing ponds are used to culture the fry. The fish fry are transferred from nursery pond to rearing ponds and are maintained for about three months till they reach 10 to 15 cm in length. In these rearing ponds the fry develops into fingerlings.

5) Stocking pond: The stocking pond is also called a culture pond or production pond. These ponds are used to rear fingerlings upto the marketable size. Before releasing the fingerlings, the pond is manured with organic manure and inorganic fertilizers.

2) Gir. This breed is otherwise known as Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi, and Surati. Originated in Gir forests of South Kathiawar in Gujarat. Basic colours of skin are white with dark red or chocolate-brown patches or sometimes black or purely red. ...

Red Sindhi.



Answered by piyush433062


1. Give an account of different type of fish ponds used for rearing fishes

Types of ponds for fish culture Fish farm requires different types of pond for the various developmental stages of fish growth. They are:

1. Breeding pond: Healthy and sexually mature male and female fishes are collected and introduced in this pond for breeding. The eggs released by the female are fertilized by the sperm and fertilized eggs float in water as frothy mass.

2. Hatchling pits: The fertilized eggs are transferred to hatching pits for hatching. Two types of hatching pits are hatcheries and hatching hapas.

3. Nursery ponds: The hatchlings are

transferred from hatching pits after 2 to 7 days. The hatchlings grow into fry and are cultured in these ponds for about 60 days with proper feeding till they reach 2 -2.5 cm in length.

4. Rearing ponds: Rearing ponds are used to culture the fry. The fish fry are transferred from nursery pond to rearing ponds and are maintained for about three months till they reach 10 to 15 cm in length. In these rearing ponds the fry develops into fingerlings.

5) Stocking pond: The stocking pond is also called a culture pond or production pond. These ponds are used to rear fingerlings upto the marketable size. Before releasing the fingerlings, the pond is manured with organic manure and inorganic fertilizers.

2. Classify the different breeds of the cattle with suitable examples.

1. Jersey

 • It is the smallest of the dairy types of cattle developed on island of Jersey, U.K.

 • In India this breed has acclimatized well and is widely used in cross breeding with indigenous cows.

 • The typical colour of Jersey cattle is reddish fawn.

 • Dished fore head and compact and angular body.

 • These are economical producers of milk with 5.3% fat and 15% SNF

2. Holstein Friesian

 • This breed was developed in the northern parts of Netherlands, especially in the province of Friesland.

 • They are ruggedly built and they possess large udder.

 • They are the largest dairy breed and mature cows weigh as much as 700kg.

 • They have typical marking of black and white that make them easily distinguishable.

 • The average production of cow is 6000 to 7000 kgs per lactation. However, the fat content in their milk is rather low (3.45 per cent).

hope it will help you dear ☺️

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