English, asked by becker, 1 year ago

Answer this
Then i will agree you are whatsapp King:

1) a sweet's name ?
2) a medicine's name?
3) a film's name ?
4) a girl's name?
5) a city's name ?
6) a car's name ?
7) a place name ?
8) a doggy's name ?

Give one answer that soots for all the 8 options ??
Its a Challenge......
Time limit⏳: 1 day!

If you don't know forward in other groups to know the answer but try to find the answer

sam139: I will try wait......
srishtigupta: it is honey
sam139: whose answer is right


Answered by MVB
Thanks for the question!!!

The answer is HONEY.

1. Honey is a very common name in America. As it sounds very sweet.
2. The honey that we obtain from honey bees is a good medicine for wounds, ulcers and burns.
3. Honey that we get from the honey bees is very sweet in taste and used in daily diet also.
4.Honey Grove is a famous city in Texas, United States.
5. HONEY MOTORS is the renowned name in the world of used cars.
6. There was a Hollywood film by the name Honey starring Jessica Alba.
7. Honey Bear is also a breed of dog.

A bit of logic will easily solve this riddle.
Hope it is helpful to you and solves your query too!!!

Answered by tejasmba

Answer – HONEY

1) A sweet's name –  Honey itself is a sweet. It also used to make may dessert instead of sugar.

2) A medicine's name? – Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties so it is used as natural antiseptic in traditional medicines

3) A film's name? – Honey is a Hollywood movie released in 2003. It is directed by Billie Woodruff.

4) A girl's name? – Honey is a very common English name in the US and UK.

5) A city's name? – Honey Grove is a city in Texas, US

6) A car's name ? – Honey Motors is the famous car manufacturing company in Japan

7) A place name? – Honey Creek is a place name in Texas, US.

 8) A doggy's name? – Honey is a common female dog name.
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