answer with explanation...

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1).Ecosystem consists of living things like plants, animals and nonliving things like air, water. There are various ecosystems like pond ecosystem, forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem, etc. The forest ecosystem has highest density of organisms or biomass. Forest ecosystem includes tropical rain forest, coral reef, sugarcane fields. Out of these, tropical rain forests have the high density of organisms.
Thus, the correct answer is 'Tropical rain forests.'
2).Nymphaea, Sagittaria, Ceratophyllum and Vallesneria are hydrophytes which grow in water. Nymphea, Sagittaria and Vallisnaria are rooted hydrophytes while Ceratophyllum is a submerged floating hydrophyte. It remains completely under water but is not rooted in mud. Ceratophyllum is a cosmopolitan genus of flowering plants, commonly found in ponds, marshes, and quiet streams in tropical and in temperate regions.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C
3).subsurface soil layer that is immediately beneath the A horizon from which it obtains organic matter chiefly by illuviation and is usually distinguished by less weathering.
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answer is
21. C
22. C
23. B
hope it helps...
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