Answer...Write a paragraph on “Coexistence in the Planet...
In recognising the value of coexistence, we are able to cultivate compassion towards each other.
In every classroom, home, community, country and culture, we are often defined by the differences that exist between us. These differences can range from how much money we have in our pockets to the religions we choose to follow and everything else in between.
The importance imposed on such differences often leads to all kinds of conflict, which can include anything from bullying on an individual level to the most horrific clashes between nations to decide whose ideologies are greater.
From our own subjective point of view, we often judge others by the ways in which they are different to us in aspects such as level of intelligence, appearance, personality, status, aspirations and goals. Almost anything can factor into our decision whether to accept a person as someone we can admire and respect.
On the one hand, we can see that differences are not unhealthy in themselves. For example, travelling the world and experiencing different cultures helps to broaden the mind and this can lead to furthering our understanding of the world that exists beyond our own front door.
In a similar fashion, there are many differences that serve to be a benefit to us and in this sense, such differences should always be embraced. However, all too often, our differences can be and are used as a means to narrow the mind and close off our willingness to embrace those who appear dissimilar to us.
In utilising such an approach, we are in danger of missing out on recognising that we all exist together and none of us are entirely independent of each other.
Through narrow-mindedness, our common humanity becomes invisible to us and we fail to see that there is so much more that unites us than divides us. We are all interdependent on each other. This interdependence can be subtle, but it is there nonetheless.
Take a look around you. The chances are that you did not make the clothes you are now wearing. Whatever you have eaten today most likely wasn’t produced by you.
The bed you sleep in, the car you drive, the house in which you live, the computer on which you do your work– almost everything that surrounds you was provided through a process that included the hard work of many people.
It’s clear just how interconnected we all are and, with mindfulness, we can come to better our understanding of the crucial importance of our coexistence. I may have written this article, but perhaps some of you who are reading it played some part in providing me with the laptop on which I am now writing.
Or perhaps you helped to grow and produce the fruit I’ve eaten today, or maybe I have read something of yours online that has inspired me in some way. There are countless possibilities of how you could have helped me or influenced someone else.
We are fortunate to be living in a time that allows us to communicate so quickly and easily with people all over the world, and with this comes the responsibility to be aware that even the slightest action can have a profound effect on another. Certainly, we can never tell where the influence of that action will end.
In each of us, there is the capacity to help or harm those around us as well as those we may never meet.
When we think of ourselves, we expect to find happiness and peace and to be as free from suffering as much as possible. Therefore, we can say that every other human being looks for the same fundamental things in life.
On an average day, if you think of the number of people you come into contact with, they all have a share in your happiness; they can leave you feeling appreciated and valued, or they can leave you feeling worthless and unwanted.
While there may be superficial differences that can separate us, on a deeper level, we are more alike than we are different. As individuals, we give so much to so many without knowing it. In return, there are countless others who provide for us.
In valuing the importance of our coexistence, we become better placed to generate kindness and compassion towards other people.
By understanding that they are as deserving of compassion as we are, we can then recognise that they deserve our respect and appreciation as much we expect theirs.
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