English, asked by aadityajha5601, 3 months ago

Q.1Read the following passage carefully:
1. “What is the purpose behind saving them? Are there any reasons other than aesthetic?” This is a valid question that needs to answer. After all, these rocks are not like tigers or lions which we want to save and not get extinct: they maintain an overall balance in the animal and vegetation population by feeding on other animals and herbivores, thus maintaining a dynamic equilibrium. But rocks and boulders are inanimate and sit there as stones. Why not use them for building? What role do they have in the scheme of things? 2. The answer comes from history, namely the very birth, growth and evolution of our Mother Earth –its continents, climate and what we can learn from that. These rocks and boulders are remnants and reminders of the early history of our planet itself. Studying them enriches our knowledge of how our earth came to be, how she has adjusted over time to internal and external forces, and supports not just us humans, but millions of other life forms. It also tells us how and when millions of other life forms came to be, how they were lost and how the surviving ones have kept the relay, continuity and evolution of new forms of life.3. It is now generally accepted, based on theoretical and observational basis that the earth itself was born about 4.54 billion years ago. It came through the accretion or accumulation of the gaseous nebula of our Sun. Over time, it out-gassed itself through volcanic eruptions and began cooling and making a compact mass of itself, roughly a coconut-shaped globe (about 6300 km radius). Even today, its core is a hellishly hot (6,000 degrees C) fluid, while its body is a set of layers of crust, each cooler and cooler. Today the surface of the earth, the biosphere where we humans live (less than 100 km strip), has the highest temperature of 70 degree C (the Dasht –e Lut Desert of Iran) and the lowest-89 degrees C (Vostok Station in the Antarctic). The granite boulders and the Deccan Basalt thus remind us of the grandeur of Mother Earth and the place we humans occupy, among the 1.4 million other life forms that she supports currently, and an even larger number that she did millennia (and billennia) ago.Complete the following statements using words/ phrases from the passage:
(a) We need to save tigers and lions because ___________
(b)Rocks and boulders are ______________
(c)Rocks and boulders are _______________ past.
(d)When we study these rocks ________________
(e)Rocks also tell us about how life _______________
(f)Earth was born through the process of ___________
(g)The core of the earth is made _____________
(h)The Deccan basalt is an indication _________________

please pleasse please please please please please please please give answer


Answered by navita35

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