Answers of 2,3,4 long questions only

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ANS 2: four major features of Democracy are:
a)The final decision making power rests with those elected by people.
b)It must be based on a free and fair election.
c)Each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
d)It should rule within limits set by constitutional law and citizen's rights.
ANS 3:Some of the arguments against democracy is as follows: (i) Leaders keep changing in a democracy. This leads to instability. (ii) Democracy is all about political competition and power play, with no scope for morality. (iii) Since so many people are to be consulted in a democracy, it leads to delays. (iv) Elected leaders do not know the best interest of the people; so it leads to bad decisions. (v) Democracy leads to corruption as it is based on electoral competition.
ANS 4:
a)It is more accountable form of government.
b)Democracy improves the quality of Decision making.
c)Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
d)It promotes equality and dignity among the citizens.
HOPE IT'S HELPFUL!!!!!!!!!!!
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