Science, asked by iio816467, 10 months ago

answers of question 25and 26



Answered by goyalsushma446

B)-hydrogen gas

C)-oxygen gas

D)-It is used in the treatment of

patients who are unable to take

fluids and nutrients by mouth.

-It is also used as a food


E) use of hydrogen gas

-It is the lightest element and can

be used as a lifting agent in


-Since Hydrogen gas is highly

flammable, it can be dangerous to

use. But this property and others

make Hydrogen suitable for use

as a fuel.

Use of oxygen gas

- helps in respiration.

-Oxygen gas is used for oxy-

acetylene welding and cutting

of metals.

iio816467: question
goyalsushma446: Ohh sorry i did not see that! Wait m telling!
iio816467: ok
goyalsushma446: Gold and platinum are even known as noble metals. They are not affected by air, water and even by chemicals. Since they have bright lustre, jewellery can be made from them. ... Due to the presence of this layer, the metal becomes un reactive and can be used in making cooking utensils.
goyalsushma446: B) because they are highly reactive with the oxygen gas. Thats why they are kept.
goyalsushma446: C)Aluminium metal with this protective layer is used for making cooking utensils. Aluminium is a good conductor of heat.Thats why it is extensively used for making cooking utensils. Aluminum will form a layer of protective oxide that prevents further reaction.
goyalsushma446: I do not know the answer of D
iio816467: ok
goyalsushma446: E)An electropositive element is one that has tendency to lose electrons and form positively charged ion. Metals like Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Zn lose electrons and form positively charged ion. Due to this metals are called electropositive elements.
iio816467: sorry but 25th answer is wrong
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