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Knowledge comes from the Greek word, Gnosis, signifying knowing through observation or experience. The scientific method is a way of acquiring knowledge through collection of data, observations, experimentation and formulating testable hypotheses. But, science is not the only way of acquiring knowledge.
Truth is a statement that can be proven. An opinion is an expression of a person's feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they are meant to deliberately mislead others. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the author's purpose and choice of language.
Philosophy as a quest for understanding rather than knowledge. Philosophy is not a contribution to human knowledge, but to human understanding. It is neither an empirical science nor an a priori one, since it is no science. ... It is a quest for understanding, not for knowledge.
Despite huge advances in science over the past century, our understanding of nature is still far from complete. Not only have scientists failed to find the Holy Grail of physics – unifying the very large (general relativity) with the very small (quantum mechanics) – they still don’t know what the vast majority of the universe is made up of. The sought after Theory of Everything continues to elude us. And there are other outstanding puzzles, too, such as how consciousness arises from mere matter.
Although humans are the only animals that reason, we do not follow probability theory, a normative model, very closely in our everyday reasoning. The conjunction fallacy is one of the major errors that humans commit when dealing with problems that involve probability.
→ Knowledge comes from the Greek word, Gnosis, signifying knowing through observation or experience. The scientific method is a way of acquiring knowledge through collection of data, observations, experimentation and formulating testable hypotheses. But, science is not the only way of acquiring knowledge.
→ Truth is a statement that can be proven. An opinion is an expression of a person's feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can be based on facts or emotions and sometimes they are meant to deliberately mislead others. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the author's purpose and choice of language.
→ Philosophy as a quest for understanding rather than knowledge. Philosophy is not a contribution to human knowledge, but to human understanding. It is neither an empirical science nor an a priori one, since it is no science. ... It is a quest for understanding, not for knowledge.
→ Knowledge comes from the Greek word, Gnosis, signifying knowing through observation or experience. The scientific method is a way of acquiring knowledge through collection of data, observations, experimentation and formulating testable hypotheses. But, science is not the only way of acquiring knowledge.
→Despite huge advances in science over the past century, our understanding of nature is still far from complete. Not only have scientists failed to find the Holy Grail of physics – unifying the very large (general relativity) with the very small (quantum mechanics) – they still don’t know what the vast majority of the universe is made up of. The sought after Theory of Everything continues to elude us. And there are other outstanding puzzles, too, such as how consciousness arises from mere matter.
➳ Although humans are the only animals that reason, we do not follow probability theory, a normative model, very closely in our everyday reasoning. The conjunction fallacy is one of the major errors that humans commit when dealing with problems that involve probability
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