Antibiotic properties of penicillin were discovered by
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Madam quary
Madam quary peare quary
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1) Alexander Fleming, a professor of microbiology at St. Mary's hospital had cultured varieties of bacteria and fungi in Petri dishes in his laboratory.
2) On 3rd September 1928, while observing staphylococci cultures, he made an interesting observation in one petri dish.
3) In that petri dish, fungal colonies had grown but the area around those colonies was clean and clear. i.e the bacteria had actually been destroyed.
4) After further studies, he confirmed that the fungus growing there was Penicillin and its secretion had destroyed the baccerial colonies.
5) Thus, the first antibiotic- penicillin had been discovered accidentally and thus formed the basis cures for incurable discases.
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