English, asked by akash8, 1 year ago

Antonio:what stuff made of whereof it is born, Iam to learn;
And such a want wit sadness make of me,
That i much ado to know myself .
In smooth,I know not why I am so sad :
It wearies you;
But how I caught it ,found it, or came by it,

Salarino: Tour mind is tossing on the ocean;
There ,where your argosies with porty sail,
Like signiors and rich burghers onthe flood ,
Or,as it were ,the peasants of the sea,
Do overpeer the petty traffickers ,
That cursty to them,do them reverence,
As they fly by them with their woven wings.
(i) who are antonio and
salarino?what is antonio baffled about ?what does it tell you about his temperament?
(ii) What is Salarino trying to do?
(iii) What is reason of Antonio's meloncholy ,according to Salarino?
(iv) Who try to guess the reason of Antonio's meloncholy later in the scene ?
(v) When do Antonio's friends Salanio and Salarino leave?


Answered by varunnr18
salarino is trying to convince antonio
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