Antonym Rising
Synonyms & Antonyms of mournfully
with feelings of bitterness or grief
cried out mournfully for the son who would never return home from the war
Synonyms for mournfully
agonizingly, bitterly, dolefully, dolorously, grievously, hard, hardly, inconsolably, lugubriously, painfully, plaintively, regretfully, resentfully, ruefully, sadly, sorely, sorrowfully, unhappily, wailfully, woefully, wretchedly
Words Related to mournfully
abjectly, cheerlessly, crestfallenly, dejectedly, despairingly, despondently, disconsolately, dispiritedly, downheartedly, low-spiritedly
blackly, darkly, dismally, distressfully, distressingly, dourly, drearily, forlornly, gloomily, glumly, joylessly, mirthlessly, miserably, morosely, pessimistically, somberly, sullenly
acutely, harshly, keenly, piercingly, poignantly, severely, sharply
cruelly, hurtfully, ill, rancorously
Near Antonyms for mournfully
cheerfully, cheerily, delightedly, gaily (also gayly), gleefully, good-naturedly, lightheartedly, merrily, mirthfully, rejoicingly, sunnily
blithely, blithesomely, calmly, casually, dispassionately, easily, impassively, indifferently, lightly, nonchalantly, stoically, unconcernedly
favorably, well
Antonyms for mournfully
blissfully, gladly, happily, joyfully, joyously