Anuroop runs a law firm in Hyderabad. His firm offers valuable financial and legal consultancy services to the clients. Whenever the firm hires any new employees, on the first day of their joining, they are welcomed to the organization and are given details about hours of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure, dress code, lunch arrangements, introduced to the daily operations and key people in the workplace, etc. They are also familiarized with the organization’s policies and procedures, including complaints and dispute resolution, sexual harassment, emergency exits and evacuation procedure.
In the context of the above case:
1. Name and explain the type of training which is being referred to in the above lines.
2. Identify and explain the human needs of the new employees that the being fulfilled by Anuroop through this training.
i) Induction and orientation training is used by Anuroop
ii) Needs Basic physiological needs, security needs leave rules etc.
Induction and orientation- It is a process of receiving and welcoming the employee when he/she joins the company and gives them the basic information about the organisation.