any 50 homonyms with meaning
accept - take in
except - other than
ad - advertisement
add - join, combine
advice - guidance
advise - recommend
aid - assist, assistance
aide - one who gives assistance
ail - to suffer poor health
ale - a beverage
air - atmosphere
ere - before
heir - one who inherits property
aisle - a passage
I'll - contraction of I will
isle - island
allusion - an indirect reference
illusion - false appearance
altar - table in a church
alter - to change
ate - past tense of eat
eight - the number 8
bail - to clear water
bail - release of a prisoner
bale - a large bundle
band - a ring, something that binds
band - a group
banned - prohibited
bare - uncovered
bear - large animal
bear - support, yield
bases - starting points
bases - four stations on a baseball field
basis - a basic principle
beat - to strike, overcome
beat - exhausted
beet - a plant with red roots
blew - past tense of blow
blue - the color
bread - baked food item
bred - produced
buy - purchase
by - near, through
bye - goodbye
capital - punishable by death
capital - chief city
capitol - building where legislature meets
ceiling - top of a room
sealing - setting, fastening
cell - compartment
sell - vend
cent - penny coin
scent - an odor
sent - past tense of send
cereal - breakfast food
serial - sequential
chews - gnaws with teeth
choose - to select
Chile- country in South America
chili - bean stew
chilly - frosty
chord - musical tone
cord - rope
cite - quote
site - location
sight - view
close - opposite of open
clothes - clothing
coarse - rough
course - path, procedure
complement – enhance; go together
compliment - praise
conduct - behavior
conduct - to lead
council - committee
counsel - guidance
creak - squeak
creek - stream of water
crews - gangs
cruise - ride on a boat
days - plural of day
daze - stun
dear - darling
deer- woodland animal
desert - to abandon
desert - dry land
dessert - after-dinner treat
dew - morning mist
do - operate
due - payable
die - cease to exist
dye - color
discreet - tactful
discrete - distinct
doe - female deer
dough - uncooked bread
dual - double
duel - battle
elicit - draw out
illicit - illegal
eminent - distinguished
imminent - soon
ewe - female sheep
you - second-person personal pronoun
eye - sight organ
I - first-person personal pronoun
facts - true things
fax - a document transmitted via telephone
fair - equal
fare - price
fairy - elflike creature with wings
ferry - boat
faze - impact
phase - stage
feat - achievement
feet - plural of foot
find - to discover
fined - charged a penalty
fir - type of tree
fur - animal hair
flea - small biting insect
flee - run
flew - did fly
flu - illness
flour - powdery, ground up grain
flower - blooming plant
for - on behalf of
fore - front
four - three plus one
forth - onward
fourth - number four
foreword - introduction to a book
forward - advancing
gene - a chromosome
jean - fabric; pants
gorilla - big ape
guerrilla - warrior
grease - fat
Greece - country in Europe
groan - moan
grown - form of grow
hair - head covering
hare - rabbit-like animal
hall - passageway
haul - tow
halve - cut in two parts
have - possess
hay - animal food
hey - interjection to get attention
heal - mend
heel - back of foot
hear - to listen
here - at this place
hi - hello
high - up far
hoarse - croaky
horse - riding animal
" 50 Homophones with Meanings and Examples "
- Aunt (noun) or Aren't (contraction) –
- Ate (verb) or Eight(noun) –
- Air (noun) or Heir (noun) –
- Board (noun) or Bored (adjective) –
- Buy (verb) or By (preposition) or Bye (exclamation) –
- Brake (noun, verb) or Break (noun, verb) –
- Chilli (noun) or Chilly (adjective) –