History, asked by popstarastha1374, 1 year ago

any four non justifiable rights of citizens of india


Answered by christeena04
Hey friend!!
Here's your answer..

What are are Non justicable rights?

The Fundamental Rights are justiciable because when violated the aggrieved individual can move the courts for their enforcement. A mere declaration of the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution is meaningless, useless and worthless without providing an effective machinery for their enforcement, if and when they are violated.
The first four non justiciable (or) Fundamental rights:-

I. RIGHT TO EQUALITY: It implies equality before the law and equal protection of the laws within the territory of India. No man is above the law of the land. Every person is subject to the ordinary law and amendable to the jurisdiction of the ordinary tribunals. Any discrimination is prohibited and equality of opportunity in matters of public employment under the state is ensured. There is no distinction between officials and private citizen and no discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion, sex etc . But right to equality does not mean absolute equality or universal application . Some exceptions are allowed by the Indian Constitution and these limitations are as follows :
· the President or the Governor of a state shall not be answerable to any court for the power exercised or act done by him .
· no criminal proceeding shall be instituted against the President or the Governor during term of office 
· exemption from taxes to certain classes of property 
· imposition of taxes upon different trades and professions 
· making special provisions for women and child 
· making special provisions for advancement of any socially, economically and educationally backward classes like SCs and STs including special employment opportunities, which is called protective discrimination.

II. RIGHT TO FREEDOM: This right is the most significant and important for the citizens. This right confers some positive rights to promote the ideal of liberty .It is the most important which guaranteed six freedom to all citizens . 
These are – 19 (1) All citizens shall have the right- 
(a) to freedom of speech and expression ;
(b) to assemble peacefully and without arms ;
(c) to form associations or unions ;
(d) to move freely throughout the territory of India ;
(e) to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India ; and 
(g) to practice any profession , or to carry on any occupation, trade or business guarantee the right to life, dignity and status. Under the other three laws, no person accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself. Similarly, under this law, no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law. That provides some safeguards against arbitrary arrest and detention. 
Like the Right to Equality, Right to Freedom is not absolute. The state can impose reasonable restrictions upon these rights incorporated to maintain a balance between individual liberty and social control. When a proclamation of emergency is made under, provisions of itself remain suspended .

III. RIGHT AGAINST EXPLOITATION: Indian Constitution recognizes dignity of the individual against any form of exploitation either by the state or by the privileged section of the society. Therefore, Right against exploitation prohibited traffic in human beings and forced labour and employment of child in factories, mines or in any other ‘hazardous employment’. No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or minds or engaged in any other hazardous employment.
The provisions are absolute and the state is firm on restoration of dignity and status of the individual against any immoral purposes.

IV. RIGHT TO RELIGION : Indian Constitution has adopted secular ideology and declared India as a secular state, which observes and attitude of neutrality and impartiality towards all religion . There is no state religion in India. The state will neither establish a religion of its own nor confer any special patronage upon any particular religion . Every person is guaranteed the freedom of conscience and freedom to profess, practice and propagate his own religion subject to public order, morality and health . Every religious group has been given the freedom to manage religious affairs, own and acquire movable and immovable property and administer such property in accordance with law. Right to religion is also subject to certain limitations. The state has the right and duty to intervene if any religious activity creates public disorder, immorality and so on.

Hope it helps you with your question,


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