English, asked by sohamdambalkar, 10 months ago

Any Ideas for a story that ends with "Thankfully we were all fine" ??


Answered by ompolugmailcom


The bees were in Colombia. I was on a field trip to collect some data on sloths over there and we were hacking our way through some pretty dense jungle. Our guide accidentally macheted through a hive of Africanized Killer Bees (major mistake). I had no idea what was happening, but our guide just turned and sprinted back through the jungle in the direction we had come from. With no explanation, and just seeing our 'tough' jungle guide running for his life, we all obviously panicked. We started running after him (all rules about being careful for snakes went out the window) but the bees caught up with us pretty quickly. They were in my hair, inside my clothes, stinging everywhere. The rest is a bit of a blur but I lost both boots, half of our equipment and we didn't stop running until we made it back to the car and locked ourselves inside. Thankfully we were all fine, but we had a LOT of bee stings between us!

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