any physical thing are matter which is vadu abds to man is called
Solid Matter. = Solid Matter such as stone is made up of particles that are really close together. Liquid Matter. = Liquid Matter such as water is made up of particles that are particularly close together but not as close together as solid matter. Gas Matter.
According to Lenin's definition, "matter is a philosophical category denoting the objective reality which is given to man by his sensations, and which is copied, photographed and reflected by our sensations, while existing independently of them."
Materials in the world around us come in three different forms, which we call states of matter. Objects that hold their shape, like bricks, coins, or blocks of wood, are called solids. Liquids, such as water and oil, are substances that flow, and form a puddle if they are not kept in a container. Gases, like air, are substances that drift around and will float away if they are not sealed up.