Any short unseen passage with questions and answers.
The last paragraph of martin ruther king the word departed to leave given us
Short unseen passage
The giraffe is the tallest animal on the planet. A male can reach 18 feet, whereas a female can reach 15 feet. Because of their height, they can avoid the fight for ground-level grass that other leaf-eaters face. It also provides him a wide field of view. He notices the oncoming enemy and reacts quickly.
Giraffes eat a variety of plants, but their favourite is acacia leaves. They spend 80% of the day eating in the spring when many trees are not in leaf. In the summer, when the trees are fully leafed, only 15% of the water is required. The remaining time is spent resting and arguing.The long neck of a giraffe, like that of man and most other mammals, is made up of only seven vertebrae. The bones are joined together using ball and socket joints. These allow the neck to move freely. It has a top speed of 50 kilometres per hour.
For such a huge animal, rising from a lying position is difficult. As a result, it frequently stands while sleeping.
With such a long neck and legs, a giraffe stretches its front legs wide apart to reach water. It then lowers its neck to take a drink. The lion can easily attack you because of your awkward position.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate terms based on your reading of the above passage:
The (a)_______________ of all land animals is the giraffe. A (b)___________ giraffe can grow to be 18 feet tall. A female giraffe's (c)can reach ____feet. It doesn't have to (d)____________________________________ with other animals for leaves. This enables it to see its (e) from a long distance. It, however, creates problem in reaching (f) _____________ in tanks.
c)15 feets
d) fight for ground-level grass that other leaf-eaters face
e)oncoming enemy and reacts quickly.